Some labels just tell you what you’re buying. This one tells the world what you’re doing

The GoodWeave Label

The GoodWeave label is the best assurance no child, forced or bonded labor was used in the making of a certified product, and it also means your purchase supports programs that educate children and improve working conditions for adults in producer communities. Here’s how it works.

Label Criteria

    Licensed producers must meet the requirements of the GoodWeave Standard–a standard rooted in three unwavering certification principles: 

    • No child labor is allowed 
    • No forced or bonded labor is allowed 
    • Workplace conditions are documented and verifiable 

    GoodWeave makes regular, unannounced inspections of all production facilities that cover tier one factories and all outsourced production, including homes, to verify compliance with this Standard. 

    Additionally, producers undergo a separate annual audit to document their improvement against the Standard’s following five progress principles – these, however, are not currently required for certification: 

    • Freedom of association and collective bargaining are recognized 
    • No discrimination is practiced 
    • Workers’ health and safety shall be protected 
    • Working hours, wages and benefits are respected 
    • Negative environmental impacts of production are identified and minimized
    GoodWeave certification labels are issued to licensed producers selling products to licensed importers. 

    • Only licensed producers can use the GoodWeave label 
    • Producers must first be approved by GoodWeave’s Certification Committee in order to be licensed and use the label 
    • Licensed producers and their subcontractors must comply with the GoodWeave Standard 
    • The Certification Committee reviews all cases of noncompliance
    Meaningful labels help guide informed purchasing decisions. Use the following criteria when evaluating any label claim: 

    • The claim is clear and free from misleading details 
    • It is based on substantiated evidence 
    • Its system is transparent and information about the claim is freely available and accessible
    • There are significant controls as to how the label is issued and used 

    GoodWeave is ISEAL Code Compliant. Our system has been independently evaluated against ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice – a globally-recognized framework for effective, credible sustainability systems. 

    GoodWeave is independently assessed against the ISO/IEC 17065 standard, which ensures that the organization is free of external pressure, is transparent, has quality control, and producers are treated equally.


Watch Stand with Sanju and learn how you can stop child labor